Transform Fresno Annual Summit
The Annual Summit is an opportunity to hear from Transform Fresno Projects and community members about the ongoing efforts, funded by the Transformative Climate Communities program. Attendees are able to participate in engaging sessions and get a taste of Fresno’s future.
Due to COVID-19, this year’s event was virtual. Visitors from all over Fresno logged on and watched as our panelists shared their updates and insights. Each session was followed by Q&A from the participants.
The Summit featured a keynote address from the City of Fresno Mayor, Jerry Dyer, and the Strategic Growth Council Executive Director, Louise Bedsworth. The Summit was capped with a spoken word performance by Alexandria Benn.
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Opening Session
Speakers: Louise Bedsworth, Mayor Jerry Dyer
Bike Safety
Speakers: Laura Gromis, John Honey, Cecilio Garcia
Shared Mobility
Speakers: Tara Lynn Gray, Keshia Thomas, Mary Ferguson
Planting Panel: Growing Herbs, Permaculture 101, Urban Management, and More!
Speakers: Nia Hodge, Chris De Leon, Miguel Ramirez
Become a Home Owner Now! The Myths Busted
Speakers: Abel Flores, Jackie Weedin, Mayra Delgado
Solar in the time of COVID-19
Speakers: Hector Uriarte, Alicia Bohigian
Redlining: Chinatown Rising
Speakers: Jan Minami, June Stanfield, Ofelia Hemme, Alex Cervantes, Arthur Moye
Transform Fresno 101
Speaker: Courtney Espinoza
Business Development, Idea, Start-up, Thriving: Steps for success
Speakers: Erik Cherkaski, Glen Roberts, Juan Carranza, Sandra Vidrio, Rich Mostert, Victor Bribiesca, Curtis Williamson, Bernadette Rojas
Youth Perspective
Speakers: Dyami Hunt, Laila Harris, Michelle Gonzalez, Gabriel Guajardo, Shani Mayberry, Virginia Thao, Shawn Brown
Closing Session
Speaker: Alexandria Benn