Chinatown PBID Feasibility Report, March 2022
Project Summary: The City of Fresno conducted a feasibility study regarding the development of a Property Based Improvement District (PBID) in the Chinatown neighborhood. This project was funded by the City of Fresno and was implemented concurrently with the TCC infrastructure improvement projects in Chinatown. The Chinatown feasibility study was to determine whether the property owners were interested in standing up a management district for this area. The study helped to develop potential boundaries and services that could be funded through the PBID and set up a framework for moving forward with the formation of the PBID if recommended through the study. The property owners ultimately determined that a Chinatown PBID was not a viable option for Chinatown at that time.
Details: The project funded a PBID feasibility study to identify and assess property owners in Chinatown, potentially set up a framework for the PBID District Formation, and potentially create a draft Management District Plan. Project goal was the formation of a Chinatown PBID District through a public hearing and ballot process.
After the development of a steering committee made up of Chinatown business owners and property owners, several steering committee meetings with our consultant and a combined property owners meeting, there was a significant amount of opposition for a Chinatown PBID. Ultimately the recommendation was to not move forward with creating a Property Based Improvement District for Chinatown
If the recommendation is to move forward with creating a PBID for Chinatown through the feasibility study, then we will move forward with a public hearing and ballot process for the formation of this Property Based Improvement District.
Chinatown PBID Property Owners Meeting
On Thursday, November 4, 2021, the City of Fresno hosted a Chinatown Property Owners meeting. Property owners were encouraged to join and provide input and feedback on the possibility of creating a Property Based Improvement District for Chinatown. Information presented at the meeting are linked below. Our consultant utilized the information heard at this meeting along with survey information and direct conversations with property owners to finalize the PBID Feasibility Study.
Project Update, March 2021
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