Transform Fresno Yearly Engagement Data
The Community Engagement Data Dashboard summarizes the engagement efforts across the Transform Fresno projects. The activities and people count are described in detail by year. The goal of the Dashboard is to provide an annual overview of these metrics. Please note this information is accurate as of November 2023.
Year 1
2019 – 2020
Year 2
2020 – 2021
Year 3
2021 – 2022
Year 4
2022 – 2023
This data represents an estimate of the most current understanding of community engagement activities reported by Transform Fresno Partners to Strategic Growth Council in years 1- 4 of Transform Fresno. It was compiled and analyzed by Transform Fresno Community Engagement Data and Reporting Partners, KMc Strategic Solutions LLC, to be posted in the Transform Fresno website in the Community Engagement Data Dashboard and will be updated as more information becomes available. This data will also be used to evaluate community engagement efforts for public facing reporting.
Year 2
2020- 2021
Year 1 Definitions:
Hosted Events: Organizing project specific events and/or activities for local residents and target communities to learn about, participate in, and/or make effective decisions for the project.
Direct Outreach: Information sharing and information gathering through in-person activities including, but not limited to, door-to-door, recruitment, canvassing. Information sharing (i.e. fliers) and/or information gathering (surveys, open feedback, etc) may also take place in attendance of external/partner events where the objective is going to where target communities/residents are.
Participated Events: Attending external and/or partner events where the objective is going to where target communities/residents are.
External Community Capacity Building Activities: Preparing local residents and/or target community members, through skill building, as a form of the project’s outcomes.
Indirect Outreach: Information sharing through social media, emails, press releases, and printed materials that are not directly handed to residents through project staff (i.e. mailers, non-staffed information stands/tables).
Year 1 Definitions:
Direct Outreach: Information sharing and information gathering through in-person activities including, but not limited to, door-to-door, recruitment, canvassing. Information sharing (i.e. fliers) and/or information gathering (surveys, open feedback, etc) may also take place in attendance of external/partner events where the objective is going to where target communities/residents are.
Participated Events: Attending external and/or partner events where the objective is going to where target communities/residents are.
Indirect Outreach: Information sharing through social media, emails, press releases, and printed materials that are not directly handed to residents through project staff (i.e. mailers, non-staffed information stands/tables).
People Reach through (CB) Capacity Building: Number of people certified and/or successfully completed the capacity building activity.
People Reach through (IO) Indirect Outreach: Number of people who received/were reached through indirect outreach.
People Reach through (DO) Direct Outreach: Number of people who received/were reached through direct outreach.
Attendees at Hosted Events (HE): Number of people attending the hosted event