March 2023
June 2023

September 2023
The 2023 Summit is a Six Stop Tour!
Join us for the Transformation Tour!
This year’s Transform Fresno annual summit is a six-stop tour across project sites beginning with the Inside Out Community Garden at Sunset Community Center. The tour will continue with the Yoville Community Garden and Farm, The Monarch @ Chinatown, the Clean Shared Mobility Hub at Fresno Metro Black Chamber of Commerce, the Saint Rest Food and Redistribution Hub, the Fresno City College- West Campus, and we will return to Sunset to conclude with a presentation from the YLI led, Youth Leadership Development cohort.
This is a space to learn more about the TCC funded projects and their impact in the 93706. We want to hear from you, work with you, and learn with you. We welcome you all.
Fresno EOC will provide transportation and meals please to registered participants.
Register today!
Opening Session
The Transform Fresno Summit kicks off with opening words and introductions from Fresno Mayor Jerry Dyer and Strategic Growth Council Executive Director Lynn Von Koch-Liebert.
Yo’Ville Garden Live Stream
Tour of garden by Chris De Leon
The Future of Fresno City College’s West Fresno Center
Speakers: Dr. Becky Barabe, Danielle Rawers, Gurminder Sangha, Keisha Lewis Nesbitt, Marty Kamimoto, Doug Rosendahl
Fresno4Biz: Connecting Entrepreneurs to Low-Cost Solutions
Speakers: John Lorance, Rich Mostert
Youth Perspectives Panel
Speakers: Fresno’s Youth Leadership Development Team
Gladiator Welding Program
Speaker: Daniel Griffith
Cooking Matters
Speaker: Luis Hernandez
Transform Fresno Solar: Efforts, Impacts, and Opportunities
Speakers: Jesse Arreguin, Aracely Rodriguez, Shanna Handley, Tom Esqueda, David Griffin, Karina Gonzalez
Save Energy, Save Money, Save the Planet with Minor Home Repairs
Speakers: Monica Goatz, Jenell Rico
How to replace your car with a more reliable, less expensive plug-in electric vehicle
Speaker: Veronica Valencia