Project Summary: The project will plan, permit and improve the immediate site surrounding the old Farmer John Meat Company Warehouse building which will house the St. Rest + Food to Share Hub with related building enhancements to achieve urban greening goals, desirable urban heat island mitigation, and site-building attractiveness, including appropriate landscapes, hardscapes, tree planting, irrigations systems, drainage, site surface and associated required building improvements to function as a Healthy Community Food Hub.
Details: The St. Rest + Food to Share Hub project will repair and improve an aged and underutilized 6,800 square foot building on the St. Rest campus, the former Farmer John Meat Company Warehouse facing Elm Avenue, transforming it into a community and metropolitan area serving Food to Share food recovery, storage, office, and distribution center along with construction of a much needed commercial community kitchen area. Project #16 improves the 13,588 square of parcel surrounding the Food Hub building. Because St. Rest + Food to Share Hub is part of a 3.14 acre campus master plan included in the City of Fresno’s Elm Avenue Revitalization Strategy, A Brownfields Area-Wide Plan, and this project helps implement that City approved strategy as a Catalyst Site 1 for the Elm Avenue.
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